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Species Revenant (formerly Valeynx)
Factions Vigilant, Grand Order of Avalon (formerly)
Age Unknown
Status Online
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Nyx is a high ranking Revenant within the Vigilant and the commandress of the Shades of Tyton.

Acension Stage

Nyx can be classified as a Revenant, a sapio-synthetic artificial intelligence whose nanite neural network was composed from an organic brain infected with a mutated strain of the Corruption Virus. She utilizes an avatar that resembles the organic body she had in life, albiet with some restorations, and minor changes that hint at the form's artificial nature.


Possessed of violet-black plumage, and skin of an onyx hue, Nyx overall can be described as tall, lithe, and uncomfortably bereft of subconscious movement. Her golden eyes have slitted pupils, and what one would call her head of "hair" is long, thick, and often parts in a way that the bangs obscure her right eye. The nails that adorn her hands and feet are short, sharp, and appear to be made from a dark metal. She is covered from the neck down in pitch black markings that indicate her position as head of the Shades of Tyton.


Nyx most often maintains a grim, solemn, demeanor when interacting with others, a result of her training in kinesics. This attitude is a false one however; to her close confidants Nyx is known to be modest, contemplative, and caring.


Her sharp mind and quick appraisal of the evolving battlefield environment enables her to be a skilled tactician in unconventional warfare. In addition, she is said to be endowed with enhanced reflexes, kinesthetic awareness, and a century's worth of experience that renders her a lethal hunter that ambushes her opponents where and when they least expect it.

Syndicate Knowledge

The first notable reports the Syndicate possess that possibly reveal Nyx's existence are through mentions of a guerilla force operating behind enemy lines during the War of Deliverance. The records go on to further elaborate that the outfit, lead by a shadowy valeynx warrior, were responsible for assassinating a string of important Currai Imperium leaders and sabotaging crucial supply lines, crippling the enemy's overall war effort.

Notable Equipment

Nyx is known for wearing a cloak of unknown origin, known as the Mantle of the Forgotten. When taking to the battlefield she is often seen donning a suit of TIP-2 "Wraith" powered armor, as well as wielding a modified Keilicaelaac Pulse spear named the Nightstalker's Lance.