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The Frehykh are a species of gargantuan, winged eels native to Drayanus.


The entirety of the Frehykh species has been domesticated by the Cherak thanks to religious edict from within their society. Due to the poor physiology of the species, the Frehykh are extinct in the wild. They persist only on behalf of the Cherak, who extensively modify them with cybernetics to improve their health, effectiveness, and to serve the purpose the High Mothers ordained for them: organic shuttlecraft.

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Frehykh have no limbs aside from large--but thin--wings, have spines along their backs, and are blind. It is known how they even manage to attain flight, but their lack of eyesight paired with their weak wings meant that they failed to stay airborne for any longer than one hour at a time. The now-extinct wild Frehykh required frequent rest wherein they would lay inert in the sand, leaving them easy prey for more well-evolved creatures.

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Extent of Cybernetics

In a fashion similar to the Mozvok, the Frehykh are completely lobotomized during their augmentation. The Cherak manufacture special robotic walkers for the Frehykh; these walkers are massive rectangular structures with four legs and function as a sort of legged transport vehicle. Each walker can hold around fifty occupants. Each leg has a thruster built into the foot for when the Frehykh takes flight. Additionally, the walker has a multitude of spikes and spines on its upper surface, meant for piercing the flesh of a Frehykh and taking root. Once a walker is fused to the Frehykh 's underbelly, a computerized "control spike" is driven into the Frehykh's skull, overriding the cortex and giving all motor function to the walker's control panel--which is manipulated by a Cherak. The creature has cameras attached to its head where one would imagine eyes would be, feeding into the control panel and allowing a pilot the creature's perspective if he needs it. Four thrusters are affixed to the creature--two under each wing--and wired into the control panel. With these modifications, the Frehykh is converted into an organic shuttle, moving passengers through the city of Zhil'kresa and into the wilds of Drayanus with incredible speed and power unobtainable in the creature's unmodified state.

(To be expanded upon.)