Descendants of Thutria

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Revision as of 04:57, 19 March 2017 by Bryan.christian (talk | contribs)
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The Descendants of Thutria were a faction of Waspcaela created and led by Cythrek during the Occupation of Namine in a bid to free the species and Namine from the rule of the Currai Imperium. Though the faction played a vital role in freeing Namine from the Imperium (in collaboration with the Enlightened Ones), the effectiveness of the faction in actually destroying the Imperium (the Enlightened Ones were mostly responsible for this act) is to be disputed, given their lack of manpower and space travel. The Descendants, despite their questionable role in the destruction of the Imperium, are given much credit by modern Waspcaela for Namine's freedom--to the point where Cythrek is nigh-deified.


To be added.


  • The name "Descendants of Thutria" possibly stems from Waspcaelaac cultural heritage in the Cult of Namine--however, it is not known if this is true.