Insanity Hub

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The Insanity Hub is a now-defunct facility which served as the master control for Hivemind manipulation during the Hivemind Crisis located inside the Tykiigron Array orbiting the Burel 5 star.

Available information

The Insanity Hub was a large structure contained within a massive temple-like clearing inside the Array. From here, Ashreksas controlled the Keilicaela population using the neural pathways created by the Helminth in ancient times. Contained in the Insanity Hub were hundreds of Keilicaela linked to a system that would regulate the thoughts of, and issue commands to, countless individuals made vulnerable by the old neural pathways. The Insanity Hub was overseen by a Hivemaster (later killed by Supreme Commander Vespid Heterodonyx) and Ashreksas. The system distributed its influence over hundreds of lightyears via connection to the Array. The methods of how the system was connected to the Array are currently being studied. It has been postulated that the control signal was spread across the galaxy via Veil manipulation.
