Operation Venom

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Considering the Alignment and the Corruption are now crushed...Operation Venom was a success.

Schynid Halrexae, assessing the outcome of the attack.

Operation Venom
Part of the Empire-Alignment War
Operation Venom
Operation Venom was the Waspcaela Empire's final strike against the Qualdron Alignment, resulting in the destruction of the Alignment and their revitalized Corruption forces.
Date 2125
Location High orbit over Qualdron and in Qualthrine, the planetary capital
Result Waspcaela Empire victory
Waspcaela Empire,
Ashderian Regime,
Dominion of Ilan
Qualdron Alignment,
Vespid Heterodonyx,
Nikanicreon Dara'croix,
Avaene Minyautinu
Philanthix Sivintalica
Empire fleet,
Ashderian fleet,
Prince's Warfleet
Alignment fleet,
anti-aircraft emplacements,
Corruption fleet
Vespid Heterodonyx mortally wounded,
unknown amount of vehicles, soldiers, and spacecraft
Disbandment of Qualdron Alignment,
destruction of all Corruption forces

Operation Venom (more commonly known as Operation V3NOM) was the Waspcaela Empire's final attack on the Qualdron Alignment. It marked the end of the Empire-Alignment War.


To be added.


  • Operation Venom (and, much more obviously, its nickname, "V3NOM"), was named after Insediax Sphexide in honor for his sacrifice during the second invasion of Namine by the Corruption in the Empire-Alignment War.