Negative Space

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The Negative Space is the void that exists inbetween universes, dimensions, and, according to hypothesis, multiverses.


To be added.

Validity as a Plane of Existence

Although the Negative Space was long ago confirmed to exist, little else can be used to describe its status as a plane of existence but "void". It is nothing, yet everything. It engulfs all that is known and possibly, unknown. Because of this, some take to calling it an omniverse or a multiverse. The title of universe has been applied to it, but this has been a subject of fierce debate; how can the Negative Space be a universe if it contains all universes? This is a classic example of "does a set containing all sets contain itself?" While this debate rages, some have opted to simply create a new, single classification for it, that being the afformentioned "void". While the "void" classification is not completely unviable, it has yet to be accepted by the scientific community at large.

In Tearstream

Negative Space is involved in the FTL travel drive known as Tearstream. A Tearstream drive allows a given ship to cut into a section of Negative Space called the "Stream." From the Stream, the ship can nigh-instantly jump to any given point on any universe bordering the Stream; most often, the point jumped to exists in the universe the ship came from. Jumping to a point in any other universe can be dangerous, as, for the most part, the pilot of the ship is unaware of what could inhabit the other universe and/or if it has potentially dangerous altered laws of physics.