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Zoey is currently 21 years old, she also is a mix blood of unsure origins. Approximate height: 5 Feet, 6 inches, Weight: 250, Body build: Thin but tough. Her eyes are green. Hair is brown. She often wears a t-shirt with a pear of cargo shorts when a restriction isn't necessary. She carriers a small holster for her hand weapons, and will put on a full harness like Joseph's.
Zoey is currently 21 years old, she also is a mix blood of unsure origins. Approximate height: 5 Feet, 6 inches, Weight: 180, Body build: Thin but tough. Her eyes are green. Hair is brown. She often wears a t-shirt with a pear of cargo shorts when a restriction isn't necessary. She carriers a small holster for her hand weapons, and will put on a full harness like Joseph's.

[[Category:Main Characters]]
[[Category:Main Characters]]

Revision as of 22:56, 6 July 2017

Zoey Gemintry
Placeholder item.png
Species Human
Factions Terreki Conglomerate (formerly), Terreki Resistance (formerly)
Age 18 Galactic Standard Years
Status Alive
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Zoey Gemintry is the sole sister of Joseph Gemintry. She has always been a pit of a pain in her elder sibling's side, but she never truly means any ill intentions to him or any of his compatriots. She is skilled in sewing, cooking, and she is quite good in the art of fighting.

Early Life

To be added.


Zoey is currently 21 years old, she also is a mix blood of unsure origins. Approximate height: 5 Feet, 6 inches, Weight: 180, Body build: Thin but tough. Her eyes are green. Hair is brown. She often wears a t-shirt with a pear of cargo shorts when a restriction isn't necessary. She carriers a small holster for her hand weapons, and will put on a full harness like Joseph's.